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White privilege is not real
in Politics


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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 1699 Pts
    "Privilege" can be roughly defined as a preferential treatment of a certain individual or a group of individuals with regards to giving them something that is deemed to have a value in the society. In this regard, virtually every possible individual and every possible group is privileged in some regard, so the concept of abstract "privilege" without clarification of the object of privilege is somewhat loose.

    That said, in most (if not all) societies there exist systematic differences in the image people have of people of a certain race. An easily digestible example: you are walking in a shady neighborhood late at night, and a 30 y/o male walks towards you. In what case are you going to feel more relaxed, more safe: if the male is white, or if he is black? I think most of even the least racist people among us will go with the former. Because the idea that "black people are more dangerous" is ingrained in us by the society, by the culture. And while it is based on the factual correlation (black people indeed have a higher fraction of violent criminals than white people in the US, for example), it does lead to differences in treatment in the situations where factual differences of this kind do not apply. And it also leads to a certain bias against all individuals, even those who are not a part of the referenced statistics.

    Finally, it is a good rule of thumb to never use strong claims such as "X does not exist" when talking about societies and political systems. Almost everything exists everywhere to a certain extent. A more accurate statement supporting your view would be "White privilege does not exist on a significant scale". Otherwise, both white and black privilege exist on some level, and almost everyone who lives in an area having a lot of people of both races can think of examples of both they've observed personally.

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